REHVA Workshops

See full schedule of the REHVA workshops here.
See REHVA leaflet here.

WS 1
Title: Understanding HVAC Operational Performance 
Organised by: SWEGON

WS 2
Title: NZEB design and construction: skill gaps and interdisciplinary training of professionals
Organised by: EU Horizon 2020 project: PROF/TRAC
QR code

WS 3
Title: Realizing (nearly) Zero Energy Hospital Buildings together 
Organised by: TVVL/Rehva and Royal HaskoningDHV

WS 4
Title: Beat Low DeltaT Syndrome by use of the latest pump generation
Organised by: GRUNDFOS

WS 5
Title: Nearly zero energy buildings nZEB 
Organised by: REHVA Task Force

WS 6
Title: Building Commissioning, -what’s in it for me? 
Organised by: REHVA Task Force

WS 7
Title: Energy efficient heat pumps, from “Standard” performances to “Seasonal performance”
Organised by: Eurovent Certita Certification

WS 8
Title: Inspections of ventilation and air conditioning systems
Organised by: REHVA Task Force

WS 9
Title: Greenhouse gas reduction in buildings & healthy building
Organised by: SAREK

WS 10
Title: BELIMO Water Solutions Energy Efficiency in modern buildings
Organised by: Belimo Automation AG

WS 11

WS 12
Title: Building and ductwork airtightness: what has changed in the past 5 years, what is likely to change in the next 5 years? 
Organised by: TightVent, AIVC, QUALICHeCK

WS 13
Title: Dynamic solar shading in HVAC and daylight design 
Organised by: ES-SO/EQUA/Swegon

WS 14
Title: Zero Internal Heating/Cooling Load Air-Conditioning system 
Organised by: SHASE

WS 15
Title: Perspectives for assessing ventilative cooling potential in Energy Performance regulations 
Organised by: venticool, IEA Annex 62, AIVC, QUALICHeCK

WS 16
Title: How to make cheaper GSHPs in Europe/How to diffuse GSHP in Europe 
Organised by: EU Horizon 2020 project: Cheap-GSHPs

WS 17
Title: Eurovent Innovation Hub - Adding value to your buildings: Efficient air curtain technologies made in Europe 
Organised by: Eurovent Association

WS 18
Title: European voluntary certification scheme : a tool linking environment and energy to market value
Organised by: Sustainable Business Alliance

WS 19
Title: Building Automation and Control Systems: continuous operational energy use optimization 
Organised by: REHVA & eu.bac Task Force

WS 20
Title: How to improve the quality of the works and compliance of Energy Performance Certificates?
Organised by: QUALICHeCK

WS 21
Title: Coupling HVAC + Refrigeration + Lighting systems in shopping centres: technology solutions and modelling approach
Organised by: IIF-IIR and EURAC

WS 22
Title: Agenda for Ventilation and Air Infiltration 2020 and beyond: knowledge gaps, research priorities and the need for innovation
Organised by: AIVC

WS 23
Title: Quality management for building performance: Closing the gap between design and operation
Organised by: QUANTUM

WS 24
Title: Energy Refurbishments
Organised by: REHVA Task Force

WS 31
Title: Advanced airflow distribution methods for reduction exposure to indoor pollution
Organised by: Scanvac